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UVC Disinfection Conveyor manufacturer in India

UVC Disinfection Conveyor manufacturer in India

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UVC Disinfection Conveyor manufacturer in India

UVC Disinfection Conveyor manufacturer in India

Continuous UVC sanitation- now in your own UV Conveyor. Extra protection to help avoiding bringing the deadly viruses and bacteria to your home or office. Sanitation of viruses from anything you bring home like your wallet, watch, glasses, car keys, food products, beverages, files, documents your face mask and so on. Everything which cant be soap washed can be disinfected through germicidal UVC rays inside the chamber. It destroys the DNA structure of viruses, bacteria and pathogens and their capacity to grow or spread diseases. Moreover it dos not leave any residue, making it safe for food products like fruits and vegetables. Arrowcon also manufactures large UV Curing chambers for bigger products on demand. Please contact for details

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UVC Disinfection Conveyor manufacturer in India